This following will detail my ups, downs and personal triumphs while spending 4months in the Australian Outback. Everything I learn and encounter I am going to try and post here so that I can share with my friends, family and the rest of the world.

These are my experiences so far.....

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Community far.

So I arrived in Maningrida this morning. The air-port is a small building crossed between a shack and a cage. The roads are dirt. There are what they call camp dogs everywhere (dogs which belong to a family but dont get taken care of and roam freely). From what I saw of any Indigenous housing it is all shacks. Some wouldnt even be good enough to be called shacks, some are just sheds. There is garbage totally everywhere. Its pretty extreme.

My mum took me to the shop where I will be working this morning. As we pulled up there was a lady going rank in the street just screaming and swearing to herself. She looked at me and told me to "fuck off". Its the funniest thing. At the school the children have to eat in a cage so the camp dogs dont come in a attack them for their food.

The beach here is ridiculously amazing. Its the most inviting beach I have ever seen. Mum then continued to tell me how a kid got eaten on the beach earlier this year. Think I might stay away from there.

So far I have found most things pretty entertaining. You  just have to look at it that way I think. I have my first day of work tomorrow and I have to walk there. Its a 2 minute walk. Im pretty nervous though. My mums house is situated in the area where most of the white people live. Its nice and quiet and really clean; also fenced off with Crim-Safe mesh everywhere. I havent spent much time in the actual community so far so tomorrow will be the huge eye-opener I think.

The flight over Kakadu today was awesome. The counrty is pretty amazing. I have taken quite a few awesome photos, but I just remembered that I forgot to bring my camera cord.

Its really strange being so far away from everything that I know. The trip here was pretty emotional, there were a few times when I had to hold back tears. But I find pushing it away from my thoughts makes it easier.

But anyways wish me luck tomorrow.


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