This following will detail my ups, downs and personal triumphs while spending 4months in the Australian Outback. Everything I learn and encounter I am going to try and post here so that I can share with my friends, family and the rest of the world.

These are my experiences so far.....

Saturday 20 August 2011

The Weekend

So its my first weekend here and to be honest its quite boring. As for working I'm required to do one half day a fortnight which is paid at double time so thats pretty decent I think. I went fishing today (sunday) for a little bit but I lost interest quite quick which is a bit unusual. I had to use my mums rod which is pink and pretty flimsy. We didnt have any bait because the shops arent open on Sundays, so we just used lures. It wasnt too bad. The scenery here is amazing. It would be a thousand times better if I knew someone with a boat thought. I have heard stories about people catchin Barra off the shore and crocodile basking there but today wasnt our day. We then decided to head into the bush a little bit here and we found this awesome spot where theres heaps of rocks and stuff but I wasnt to keen to head into the bush any further as some of the land is owned by certain families and you have to get permission to go on it. I dont know where that is so I wasnt to keen to have an Aboriginal family chasing me for payment.

I think I am getting more used to the community life. Theres way more white people here than I expected. It takes a bit to befriend them though. They all kinda stick together. The ones I work with all came into work with a hangover yesterday so they obviously all get on it together. To be honest I dont even feel like drinking with them all. The ones I have come accross are pretty up themselves. God knows why.

The Aboriginals here are ok. Some days I cant handle their smell. And I dont think they will ever stop suprising me. I had a guy asking me what he can put on his scabies the other day. Its things like that, that we dont have to even consider in our everyday life. The way these people live is nothing compared to anything I have ever experienced. Now that I see this I can fully understand why they are the way that they are in the cities, its so different from anything that they have ever known. I'm not saying I am agreeing with them though. Some of them that I have come accross are pretty funny. One of the guys I work with was telling me how he was going to go turtle hunting this weekend. He thought it was hilarious when I reminded him that I cant catch them because I'm white. Even though he seems to be one of the more decent ones, they all still have their ways about them. Alot of them you will see wearing the same clothes for about a week straight. Another one of the guys I work with wore the same shirt for 4 days in a row.

My second day at work we had to shut the shop because some one in the community had died and they were bringing the body back in. Every business in the community has to close down until the body goes through and certain prayers are said and that work place is smoked. Its to help move the soul onto the next world. So basically they just come in and burn gum leaves and chant etc. I was shitting myself when I heard this. It was just weird. In the end they didnt end up smoking our shop. We dont know why. But if we were to open before we had permission from them we would have had to make some sort of payment to the family. Basically if you do anything here that they dont like you owe them payment. It can be in the form of money, food, anything. They are a very taking culture. Im not sure if it is because of the white influence. One thing I do find hilarious is that they all mostly live off damper. I didnt think they did that anymore. They come through work and buy like 20kg tins of flour.

I did my finances this week. At this stage I will have made $10k by early December. So I get to go home in 14weeks. This has made it alot more bearable. And the fact that Im actually going to get to go to Europe is definatley helping. The one thing I cannot wait to get back to is my bed. I am sleeping on the floor here and its annoying. The dogs lick my face at like 5am. Its feral. So yes I am so exciting to get back to my bed and my mates in a few weeks.

Hopefully time will fly by!

Until next time.....

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