This following will detail my ups, downs and personal triumphs while spending 4months in the Australian Outback. Everything I learn and encounter I am going to try and post here so that I can share with my friends, family and the rest of the world.

These are my experiences so far.....

Sunday 14 August 2011

Pre - Outback Thoughts.

We all get to that point where we sit back and realise that maybe we arent really getting where we want to go in life. For example I am hoping to head to Europe in January and have not managed to save a cent towards it. A job had come available in Northern Territory which meant a huge change to my lifestyle but the possibility to reach my goal. And I figured to just go for it. Theres is not much going on in my life at the moment and this could be the opportunity of a life time. Turns out I was able to get a full time job on a decent wage with no rent or expenses. Sounded pretty good.

Basically I have decided to start this blog so I can record all of my experiences in the Outback and share them with my friends.

At this stage I feel I must mention that this is in an extremely isolated part of Australia. So isolated in fact that for a majority of the year you cannot even drive there due to the wet season flooding. It is a "dry" community meaning no alcohol is allowed without a permit. Not even bitumen roads. My brother who also lives there informs me that there is a Water Buffalo who frequents the back door of the general store (where I will be working) that is so tame that he comes in and eats the bars of soap. I went to the animal park today and saw a Water Buffalo and they are considerably larger than what I pictured.

I am in two minds about the move as it draws closer (I leave tomorrow). On one side it is the chance of a lifetime. I will get to see things that alot of people dont. I will live amongst another culture, experience isolation, and getting back to nature. The fishing is sure to be awesome, and im surely going to get to see a wild crocodile. I also get to see my family.
On the other hand, I leave my life behind. My friends, my car, my dog and everything else that I am used to doing. Also the community life could be quite hard to adapt to and possibly terrible.

So the stress is starting to build particulary when I think that my plane leaves in 18hours. I have not packed. I have not finished cleaning my car. I have not moved all my stuff out of my house. I havent purchased the stuff I need to and I havent organised a Sim Card. I havent signed my Lease Break paper work and I havent handed the keys back.  Feeling quite pressured at the moment.

I have an image of me getting off the plane, on a dirt runway with dust flying everywhere and me just standing there thinking "shit, what have I done". So I'm hoping I'm wrong. Hoping that its going to be an awesome experience.

I will let you all know when I arrive and what it is like. Until then I will continue to remind myself "Life is too short to be living someone else's dream" (Hugh Hefner)

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