This following will detail my ups, downs and personal triumphs while spending 4months in the Australian Outback. Everything I learn and encounter I am going to try and post here so that I can share with my friends, family and the rest of the world.

These are my experiences so far.....

Friday 28 October 2011

Over the Hump.

Ok so I am past the halfway point. I get to go home in six weeks. Things seem to all be going down hill. And by that I mean they are going really quickly. To the point where some of the days are just a blur. I find this to be a good thing. More so than ever do I want to be home. I have pretty much decided that I am not coming back after Christmas. I have my flights booked to come back but I dont think I will. However I am not making anything certain, Im just calling it as I see it.

So things going quickly has put me in quite a good mood lately, nothing has been able to shift it either until today. I had plans to go into Darwin this weekend. It is possibly one of the last weekends that we will be able to drive out of here before the wet cuts the road off, and I was very keen to get my drink on and let off a bit of steam. This all fell through. And because it is so close to the road being cut by the wet, no one else in town is very game to drive it. So here I am stuck. For another boring weekend. It is also grog handout weekend and I am trying to avoid drinking here because of the embarassing amounts that I tend to end up consuming. So as much as I dont want it to, I'm sure my carton of beer will disappear very quickly tomorrow.

I think another reason that contributed to my bad mood/homesickness was something a friend called me today. He called me Lois. Which is what my boys call me back home as a nickname. Now my friend here had totally no idea of this, but when he said it I spun around so fast I swear my head nearly came off. It was like an instant flash back. As I spun around, I was home. It was like slow motion. I even saw my house. And my brain just expected to see my mate behind me. It was epic. But I spun around only to find that I was still here. But it was sweet knowing that my mate up here was just making a joke to cheer me up.

I am truely believing that my adventure here has finished. I have seen what I wanted to, and am just ready to go home. It just the count down now.

Hopefully the next few weeks will fly by.

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