This following will detail my ups, downs and personal triumphs while spending 4months in the Australian Outback. Everything I learn and encounter I am going to try and post here so that I can share with my friends, family and the rest of the world.

These are my experiences so far.....

Sunday 9 October 2011

The Adventure Continues...

At first I will begin by apologising for my lack of new posts. My interest in writing is feigning. I am unsure of why. I have plenty of things to tell, just no interest in telling them. But anyway here I am.

Firstly. I ate crocodile the other night. This is prior to me finding out that it is a sacred animal up here and even the Indigenous dont eat it. So I feel a little guilty for it. But it was pretty good. It is a white meat, and tasted kinda like prawns, but with the consistency of pork.

The last couple of weeks I have been struggling to find anything to do or be invited to. So I have decided to just go for it. I just randomly have been talking people in the shop more just to meet more people. This ended up working out this week, as I got invited to go on a trip out to crab creek. Pretty exciting stuff! So saturday afternoon we all piled into the back of a troupie and headed west into the bush. It took about 30mins to get out there and the whole point of the trip was for Longbom. Longbom is a slug that lives in Cone Shell. Crab creek was pretty empty at the time and there were literally thousands of coneshells. We got a couple of buckets worth. The local people that we were with ate them raw, kinda similar to oyster. Ive never eaten oyster in my life basically because I couldnt muster the balls. So the locals were up there eating them raw. And for some unknown reason I just went up and ate one. It didnt taste too bad at first. A bit chewy. Then a horrible after taste. Im glad I did it though. This is the stuff that I have come up here to do. Theres no room for me to be soft. So it was a proud achievement.

We next went out to Narnamuk. It was about another 30mins through the bush. When we got there it was one of the nicest beaches I have seen. The locals sat down and started making a fire to cook the Longbom and we all took our hand lines and went for a fish off the rocks. We were all about knee deep in the water, nice warm water at that. Nice warm water that you cannot go in, or near usually because it is too trecherous. However dangerous the water may be sometimes you just cant help it. Its crazy beautiful up here and its hard seeing some of the nicest beaches and not being able to go near them. Anyway. I fished off the rocks and then noticed a dark shadow in the water really close to me. Theres nothing to suggest it was a croc, but I bailed anyway. This beach, Narnamuk, is where you can find really big sea shells. I found some pretty big ones so that was pretty decent.

When we got back into town, I took some Longbom to my Indigenous family. They loved it. The land we were on we had to have permission to be on, so any fish you catch or anything you hunt, you generally have to give some to the Land Owners, thanking them for letting you use the land.
Last weekend me and a friend ventured out to a place called Rocky Point. It is my Indigneous family's land, but I still need to get permission to go there, or have one of them with me. When I went out I didnt have any permission. So we stopped so I could take a couple of pictures and left. If you get caught on land that you dont have permission to be on, it can be really serious. The land owners can take your car, your belongings or they can fine you. These are fines of which police will enforce. I have heard it is $1000 per person. I can be worse, they can run you out of the community. If you piss off the right people you can be out of town within 24hours and not allowed back.

Getting out of town like this is the best remedy for a bad week. I find even if we just go for a drive out of town, or a run in the boat, I am completely refreshed for another week of puting up with this place. As I have mentioned before, there are good and bad days. The last week has been awesome here. Nothing has bothered me. I put the down to the fact that I know I am leaving for sure. I know that when I go home there will be someone hopefully waiting there for me. The last week has picked up my spirits something shocking. At this stage it is 59days until I get to go home. The one thing I want more than anything, the moment that I am awaiting desperatley to arrive, is the moment I arrive home, get off the plane and see a certain person's face. This one and only moment is what keeps me going. I am getting worried that I am looking forward to it too much and that I may pass out when it actually happens. Not really. But kinda maybe.

I am hoping and I think that my spirit will stay lifted. The news I heard last week was the one and only thing that could take my minor depression away. And I am so thankful to have finally heard it. It is the one thing the has put me totally and utterly at peace.

For those who havent been seen any of my pics yet, feel free to check out the link below.

As for this week, I hope to go out and finally land my first Barra. Wish me luck!

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