This following will detail my ups, downs and personal triumphs while spending 4months in the Australian Outback. Everything I learn and encounter I am going to try and post here so that I can share with my friends, family and the rest of the world.

These are my experiences so far.....

Sunday 30 October 2011

Another Grog Handout Day

Ok. So after the recent events of the weekend past, I have decided that I am no longer going to drink while I am up here. I literally dont care if I dont have a life anymore. As I have said many times before, the white people here are a bunch of bastards. Never in my life have a come across such a densely populated area of c**nts. Its like, if you dont fit in, in the real world, come out here because your will fit in with the other bastards out here, you can all live together in harmony.
And when I tend to drink here, I somehow, stir all these bastards up. In my normal day to day, I dont even come across them. But the second I am drinking I get myself into grief.
So as you can tell by the story so far, yes I was drinking. I had decided that I wouldnt drink too much because I am sick of being hungover the next day. So I only drank about 20 beers. Sad. And I was sick. I ended up at a mates place, which turned out to be further out of turn than I expected. I walked through the community in the middle of the night, with no protection, so god knows what I was thinking. When I woke up the next day I had no way of getting home and my house was about 2km away. I was basically in the bush. So I decided to walk to shop closest in hope that I would see someone there that I knew. I was still pretty hammered so it was quite a joyous walk i suppose. I also had no battery on my mobile so I couldnt even call anyone. I got to the shop. Thank god for a couple of boys being there that I knew, and dropped me home. There is absolutley no way I would have made it back through the community without getting attacked by dogs. I cant believe I even contemplated it.
As the day progressed, my drunkeness turned into hungoverness and I was deathly ill - again. And in a whole world of trouble with a bunch of the white people. So with only 39 days till I leave this shit hole, I have decided no more drinking. I will still make use of my permit, I just will be making a profit from now on I think. And to back up my statement from the other day. I think my adventure is definately over here. I am ready to go home, but maybe not to stay. I think the travel bug might have bitten me and I will just travel around for the next few years. I have also started my dread locks which seems to me as a sign that Im not ready to be apart of the real world again, not just yet. Who could know where I end up!

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