This following will detail my ups, downs and personal triumphs while spending 4months in the Australian Outback. Everything I learn and encounter I am going to try and post here so that I can share with my friends, family and the rest of the world.

These are my experiences so far.....

Friday 18 November 2011

My Letter

Dear Future Danielle.

I am writing this so in future you can read this and remember all the things you learnt in this period of your life.
I want you to remember to make the most of everyday. Do not make excuses. Do whatever you can to make you feel like you really enjoyed your day.
Do not let people get inside your head. Your instict is always right, and you always regret not following it - so get your shit together.
People who say evil things or do things to make others happy, are actually unhappy with themselves. Try not to hate them (that just gives you wrinkles) just feel sorry for them. Thats their problem not yours.
Remember to always love. Take the opportunity. Even if its just a fling, or a whim. Enjoy things and fall in love. You could be dead tomorrow after all.
As much as it goes against every moral of yours, try not to stick up for people so much; especially the ones you barely know. This just gets you into trouble. Try and think a bit more of yourself and your own happiness, other people's happiness is their own decission. There are people out there who have absolutely nothing, and are some of the joyous people in the world.
It cant never be as bad as it seems. There is always a time when you will be past this. When this exact moment will seem so far in the past that you will wonder why you were so worried about it all in the first place.
You will always know who your friends are, and the people that love you will always be there for you. Just remember to be there for them too.
But most of all, be yourself, no matter what anyone else says. Even if it is your loved one (unless you are doing something completely stupid and drastically wrong). But doing what you do, makes you who you are. Dont change for anybody. Think back to this moment and remember how peaceful you felt. And the things that this place made you feel.

Hoping this helps you find the inspiration that you need.

Love, Past Danielle - currently moving on from things.

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