This following will detail my ups, downs and personal triumphs while spending 4months in the Australian Outback. Everything I learn and encounter I am going to try and post here so that I can share with my friends, family and the rest of the world.

These are my experiences so far.....

Monday 19 September 2011

The Little Things.

Living in a place like this its the little things that can really make your day. Maybe just something like a phone call from an old friend, or something as little as a certain word that just reminds me of home.
When I was in Jabiru the other weekend, I admit I had, had a few to drink and I had to purhcase take-aways (you can only purchase takeaways from a certain bar, and only if you have a permit card) so stupid me in my half-cut-ness saw the Jim Beam six pack. Under no circumstance do I drink Jim Beam. It makes me ill. So because my truest mates drink Jim Beam it gave me a flash back to home and I brought the damn thing. And as usual it make me sick as a dog. But at the same time it made me feel so much closer to home, maybe in a way that no one else can understand. Maybe the fact that my closest friends were drinking the same drink at the same time, made me feel like I would be even an inch closer to where they were.

Even on the good days finding something that reminds me closer to home makes things more bearable. I went to the other shop the other day and found that they sold Bundaberg Ginger Beer, Beef Jerky, and Red Rock Deli Chips. I couldnt believe it. The ginger beer alone made me want to drift back to bundy. Its just that little tiny thing that even being out here in the middle of no-where, can make me feel like im not completely alone.

But getting back to it, I was texting a mate of mine tonight and in his last text he sent "No Wukkas" (No worries) I swear to god I have never heard anyone outside of my group of friends say this. I have actually refrained from saying it because I didnt think anyone would know what I was talking about. It was suprising. And awesome. It made me feel like home. It was 100% good and 100% bad at the same time. Good because it reminds me of the good times and all my closest friends, and bad because I would give anything to be there.

It is crazy the things that I am missing. We all know the general things like my dog and my car. But I also miss my bed. I miss yelling at my dog because hes chasing the possum along the fence line. I miss going to the shop or the pub.
But most of all I miss my best friend. I didnt think that I would be so devastated at being apart. Everything, and mean everything reminds me of him. Maybe I didnt value how close we were and how much he made my day. It is this one thing that I am not sure is good or bad. I am not sure it is good to miss somebody so much.
However, I remain here, counting the weeks until I get on the plane out. I cannot wait to get home and see my dog, chuck him in the back of my ute and DRIVE!! This is what I look forward too most. Couldnt come soon enough.

Until next time.

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