This following will detail my ups, downs and personal triumphs while spending 4months in the Australian Outback. Everything I learn and encounter I am going to try and post here so that I can share with my friends, family and the rest of the world.

These are my experiences so far.....

Friday 16 September 2011

A Part of The Furniture.

Ok. So I think I'm loosing my mind. As I become more familiar and comfortable in the community, the shitter it becomes. You cant talk to or be friends with any men here because they have history with someone else. And they ALL have history. It is so fucking ridiculous. I accepted a ride the other day from a friend of mine. This is the first and only time I have ever been in a car alone with him. And some fucking stupid faggot of a woman goes running to my mother asking if me and him are together. He gave me a ride home for fuck sake. And on top of this, this woman is married. Obviously she has nothing better to do. People here are so shallow and ridiculous. So cannot say or do anything without some one else noticing or hearing and passing it on.
It is sad when you realise that this is the place where the people from the bottom of the barrel go to. It might be harsh but its true. These people are horrible. You have to try with all your might just to make acquaintances here let along an actual good mate. Amazingly I have heard some pretty crazy stories about myself this week. I mean seriously these people could be writers their shit is that good. The sad thing is that they are people that shouldnt be concerned with anything that I do. They are as old as my mum for frick sake. And OLDER. It is quite possible that they are intimidated by my prescence here. I havent been here very long and I've just merged straight into being friendly with everyone. Maybe they are jealous. Who fricken knows. But its ridiculous. The worst part is that I dont care what happens from here on in. I dont have to impress anyone here. This is not my home.
I am torn between giving these bitches a piece of my mind and between pretending like I dont care. I dont particularly care, its just that some of the stuff I am starting to hear could affect the people I care about. So I dunno. I suppose I should just feel sad for these women, that this is the only thing in their lives that makes them feel any good. That they need to make some one else look like shit to make them selves feel better.

Anyways. Thats that. Welcome to Maningrida.

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